
About Us

About Us

Hilmi Efendi Inn, which was established in 1856 in Famagusta on the East coast of Cyprus, was one of the most renowned inns. Cameleers and muleteers coming from every single corner of the island used to lodge at the inn and go on with their journey. The inn provided service to thousands of guests for centuries.

Hilmi Efendi Mansion, which is embodied by Hilmi Efendi Inn, has been renovated and enlivened again with its characteristic dating back to the 1800s. The mansion is the first and only guest house for disabled people of the Walled City of Famagusta to provide service.

Our mansion will be delighted to host you in which you would feel its historic fabric and scent presenting its guests pleasure of tasting wines from the cellar dating back to the middle age.


Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Tarafından Sağlanan Kaynak ile K.K.T.C.’de Kısmi Hibe Destek Yardım Projelerinin Desteklenmesine İlişkin İşbirliği Protokolü gereğince T.C. Lefkoşa Büyükelçiliği tarafından finanse edilen ve T.C. Çukurova Kalkınma Ajansı teknik desteği ile Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından yürütülen 2017 yılı Turizm Potansiyelinin Geliştirilmesi Mali Destek Programı kapsamında desteklenen Engelsiz Konuk Evi Projesi ile ilgili olarak hazırlanan bu yayının içeriği Bakanlık, Büyükelçilik ve Ajans’ın görüşlerini yansıtmamakta olup, içerik ile ilgili tek sorumluluk yararlanıcıya aittir.

Phone +90 548 864 45 64
Address 12 Kızıl Kule Street, Walled City
Famagusta, CYPRUS
E-mail hilmiefendi.info@gmail.com

Hilmi Efendi Guest House © 2019.

design by Brigh Themes . developed by anileyupoglu.